• This function dynamically creates and displays a HTML table based on the provided trace data.


    • traceData: TraceData[]

      Array of objects containing the result data.

    Returns void


    This function generates a new table to display trace data. The table is added to the 'dataTable' HTML div. For each object in the traceData array, it creates a row with the values from the object in the columns of the row. The objects are sorted to assert that keys that have been manipulated get in the correct order. Note: this function directly manipulates the DOM and doesn't return anything.


    const traceData = [
    {Solver: "SolverA", SolverTime: 10, ObjectiveValue: 100},
    {Solver: "SolverB", SolverTime: 20, ObjectiveValue: 200}

    This example will generate a table with two rows and three columns (Solver, SolverTime, and ObjectiveValue).

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